A close-up of the skirt |
I have always believed it to be important to act like a lady and be aware of one's behaviour in front of others. My parents, more specifically my father, raised me since childhood to always have good manners. Whenever I burped at the dinner table he would say 'excuse me...', and I'd respond with 'oops, excuse me!'. I always had to greet him with a good morning, and we always waited until all our family members reached the dinner table before commencing dinner (only 4 of us).
Now that I'm an adult. I always say my 'please' and 'thank you's' (well most of the time). I sit with my legs together when in public. I rarely swear, and I cringe when I hear girls use the c*nt word! Of course, the occasional boozy night out can make me a little disinhibited, but the values remain, and I don't just let any boy hop into my pants.
I found it quite funny that there is a 'manual' out there on how to act like a lady. Nonetheless, the steps are quite true. I really like steps 5 and 6. I need to work on step 5.