04 August 2010

Be a Lady

I normally buy skirts from op-shops with the intention to hem them up to make them shorter. To either knee length or just above. (Several of them just remain on my 'needs alteration' pile of op-shop finds for months and months!). But this time I decided to just leave the hem the way it is. It really does create a different look altogether. I felt very lady-like with a longer skirt. It was a change. I even accidentally got the skirt jammed in the car door when I sat down because I wasn't used to it. oops. 

A close-up of the skirt

I bought this skirt from a local church op-shop for $2.50. No alteration required.

I have always believed it to be important to act like a lady and be aware of one's behaviour in front of others. My parents, more specifically my father, raised me since childhood to always have good manners. Whenever I burped at the dinner table he would say 'excuse me...', and I'd respond with 'oops, excuse me!'. I always had to greet him with a good morning, and we always waited until all our family members reached the dinner table before commencing dinner (only 4 of us). 

Now that I'm an adult. I always say my 'please' and 'thank you's' (well most of the time). I sit with my legs together when in public. I rarely swear, and I cringe when I hear girls use the c*nt word! Of course, the occasional boozy night out can make me a little disinhibited, but the values remain, and I don't just let any boy hop into my pants.

I found it quite funny that there is a 'manual' out there on how to act like a lady. Nonetheless, the steps are quite true. I really like steps 5 and 6. I need to work on step 5.