24 December 2010


Today I looked in my wardrobe and realised that I could look at each item of clothing and pinpoint a memory of him attached to it. Eight years worth of memories. How is it possible to move forward when there is a reminder of him in every direction I look.

We had a house, a dog, and a picket fence. We invented the game where we would be in our underpants and dance around like rockstars with household items as musical instruments. 

I'm glad that I'll be working night shifts on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. It will help me forget you. I can't remember the last Christmas I spent without you. 

"There'll be a light in the hall and a key under the mat
If you ever come back
There'll be a smile on my face and the kettle on
And it will be like you were never gone" 
 - If you ever come back - The Script

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